In the heart of an ancient forest, there lived a wise brown cat spirit, known as Nali, who roamed freely between the realms of the living and the unseen. Nali had the gift of guiding lost souls back to their paths, her blue eyes glowing with the warmth of untold stories and silent wisdom. With her soft paws, she tread lightly, never making a sound but always present, offering comfort to those who felt abandoned or overwhelmed. Her fur shimmered in the moonlight, reminding all who saw her that even in the darkest moments, guidance and hope could always be found, if only they listened to the quiet stirrings of their hearts. Nali’s presence taught the importance of patience, independence, and trust in one's inner strength, reminding everyone that true courage often comes in silence.
This exquisite pendant features a hand-painted porcelain cat centerpiece, meticulously embroidered with luxurious black, gold, and blue glass Japanese seed beads for a stunning textural effect. Accentuated by a radiant 18k gold-plated brass tassel and a gold-plated, tarnish-resistant clasp, this unique piece blends elegance and whimsy with exceptional craftsmanship. A delicate blue Czech glass flower adds an extra touch of charm, making this pendant truly one of a kind. Perfect for lovers of artful jewellery, this pendant showcases high-quality materials and careful detailing for a sophisticated, timeless accessory.
9 cm Length
2.8 cm Width